Thursday, March 8, 2012

If You Are Caught... (6 Faith)

Issue: 6 March 2012
Title of article: If you are caught...

Beside the fact that drugs mess with one's mind (LRD Issue on 21 Feb 2012, page 3), there are also dire consequences when one gets involved in drugs.

The type of punishment meted out to such offenders ranges from a stint in a rehabilitation centre to jail time and caning. As stated in the article, it's the responsibility of the person charged with trafficking drugs, such as heroin and methamphetamine, to prove his innocence and not the authorities.

Take a look at the following video to find out more about the negative effects on one's mind and body when one takes drugs.

Extension activity: Write a letter to tell your best friend about the consequences of taking drugs and the legal actions that might be taken against the person who's caught taking/trafficking it. [Post it as a comment to this blog entry.]


Sararina Toh said...

Dear Sally,
I am writing to you about the consequences of taking drugs.If you take drugs,it will affect your physical appearance and harm your body organs.And if you are caught trafficking,it provides death penalty,fines,a stint in a rehabilitation centre and jail time.I hope you will get over this addiction.

Yours faithfully,
Sararina Toh

Charmaine said...

Dear Jennifer,
Hello! Recently, I have come to know that you were suspected of drug trafficking. I am very dissapointed with you. You know what the consequences are right? If you don't, I am going to tell you now.
The consequences are:
- death penalty for trafficking drugs like heroin and others.
-If you are found guilty for consuming or even found with them, you will face fines, a stint in a rehabilitation centre and jail time.
- Drug abusers(first or second time) will be sent to the rehabilitation centre.
- If you are arrested for a third time and beyond, you will be sent to prison for five to six years and recieve three to six strokes of the cane.
- If you serve out this sentence BUT is caught yet again,You will be sentenced to an additional seven to thirteen years jail and six to twelve strokes of the cane.
I hope you will plead guilty soon as it will shorten your prison time. I also hope that you will learn from your mistakes and turn over a new leaf.
Yours faithfully,
Charmaine Goo

Lau Tse Xuan said...

Dear Seserina,
I am writing to tell you about the consequences of taking drugs and ilegal actions.It provides death penalty for trafficking drugs like:heroine,methamphetamine.If someone ids found guilty,he will face fines,a stint in a rehabilitation centre and jail time.I f the same person is arrested for the third time,he will be sent to prison for 5-6 years and receive three to six strokes of cane.If he does it again he will be sentence an additional 7-13 years and 6-12 strokes.
I hope you will not take drugs.

Yours faithfully,
Tse Xuan

Brittany Sim said...

Dear Roxy,
Hello! I am writing to you about your recent drug addiction. How do I know? Well, I saw you taking some pills.Y've also been looking unwell.
Don't you know that taking drugs will affect your physical appearence and harm your body organs. It contains TAR!!! Why would you want to eat tar?
And you will be sent to jail or rehab or even be fined or get a dearth penalty if you get caught!

Anyway, I hope you get over your drug addiction.

Yours faithfully,

Ann Sng said...

Dear Michelle,
I am writing to you to tell you the consequences of taking drugs. If you take drugs, it will affect your physical appearances and you will have tar in your body(lungs). If you get caught drug trafficking, you will be fined, a stint in a rehabilitation centre and jail time. I will advise you not to take drugs in case you get yourself into trouble. I hope you will not take drugs and listen to my advise.

Yours faithfully,
Ann Sng

Lim Hui Ling said...

Dear Cliare
I am writing you about the consequences of taking drugs.It will not make you cooler but destoring you. You will looked like a monster. If you caught consuming it or trafficking it you will face fines,canning and jail time.Seeing you taking drugs have me thinking losing a best friend.I hope that this will help you taking a second thought about consuming drugs.
Yours faithfully,
Lim Hui Ling

Sui Hui Ping said...

Dear Miss Teo ,
you must not take drugs ,if you are found consuming legal drugs , you will face fines , a stint in a rehabittation centre and jial time .
you will sent to a rehabitation centre as a puishment and also as to kick the habit .If you do it again for the third time you will be sent to jial for 5-7 years and worse if you do it again for the forth time you will be sent to jail and sentenceed to 7-13 years in the jail and 6 to 12 rimes of the cane .
Whatmore you it will harm your own body and you will look ugly so remember never take drugs .

Yours faithfully ,
Sui Hui Ping

Amanda Chan P6 Faith said...

Dear Victoria,
I am writing to you to tell you about the consequences for trafficking drugs, which means buying and selling drugs and comsuming drugs.
1. for trafficking, you can have a death penealty.
2. for comsuming drugs, the person would face fines, a stint (which means a period of time) in a rehabilitation centre and jail time.
3, if you are arrested for a first or second time, you would be sent to a drug rehabilitation centre.
4. if you are caught for a third time, you would be sent to prison for 5 to 7 years and recieve 3 to 6 stokes of the cane. ( did you know that females would not get any caning?)

Samantha Alves said...

Dear Jomari,
How are you today? This is your friend Samantha Alves. I'am writing this letter to you to tell you about the consequences of taking drugs.Don't get me wrong but I'am just concerned about your health.
If you take drugs so often their main effects are skin dulling,your body weaking and etc. If you take drugs ,you will ruin your life and you will not be able to finish your studies,your dreams. I am telling this to you as a friend please stop taking drugs. It's for your own good .
Your friend,
Samantha Alves

Alexy said...

Dear Renee,
I am writing to you to inform you about the consequences of taking drugs. Taking drugs will make you look tired, it will affect your health and mess with your mind. If you are caught taking drugs you will may face a stint in a rehabilitation centre, jail and caning.

nataline lee (6faith) said...

Dear Kelene,
I am writting this to inform you about the consequence in consuming drugs.
If you consume drugs you will never make your dreams come true, you will hurt yourself, believe it or not you will regret someday.IT only depends on time,plus,youwill someday get caught and will need to be in jail. So i here encourage you to go to a rehabilitation centre and quit vyour addiction if you ar accdictted to drugs, not start it you will look and feel awful.
yours faithfully,
Nataline Lee

sasha said...

Dear Brittany ,
I have learned that you are taking drugs and have been into drug trafficking.It provides death penalty for trafficking drugs like:heroine,methamphetamine.If someone ids found guilty,he will face fines,a stint in a rehabilitation centre and jail time.I f the same person is arrested for the third time,he will be sent to prison for 5-6 years and receive three to six strokes of cane.If he does it again he will be sentence an additional 7-13 years and 6-12 strokes.
If you take drugs it will affect your mental and physical being .
I hope you will stop.
Love Sasha

Charlene Lim said...

Dear Kelene,
I am writing this letter to you to inform you about the conseqnenses of taking drugs.
If you take drugs, you will destroy your physical appearance and your body will collect tar! It is very unhealthy too. You will be fined or jailed if you are found consuming drugs.Hope you will not take drugs.

Yours faithfully,
Charlene Lim

Anonymous said...

Dear Andrea,
How have you been? I am writing to you because I've heard that you have been suspected of trafficking drugs and I just want to advice to you that taking drugs has consequenses such as your face turning dull and if you are found trafficking drugs,you will receive strokes of caning, rehabilitation and be sentenced to jail it all depends on how many time you have been caught. I hope that the things I've heard are just rumours cause life cannot rewind.

Yours faithfully,

Ada said...

dear Renee ,
i am writing to tell u about the concequences of taking drugs.talking drugs make you look dull and tired and hyperactive,it will decrease your health and you may get disease like cancer.if you are caught trafficking it you will be jailed

Clarissa Tan 6faith said...

Dear Sararina,
I want to tell you about the dire consequences of taking drugs.taking drugs will harm your body and if you are found with drugs, you might even be a total of 6 strokes of caning and a few years of jail depending on the amount of times you have been caught. I really hope my advise has stopped you from trafficking and taking drugs.
Yours Faithfully,

Ayushi said...

Dear Aneie,
I am your friend,Ayushi.Several articles,on the newpapers,have stated the consequences and effects of taking drugs.So, Today, as a budddy,I want to give you the motivation and determination to give up taking drugs.I do know that something that has turned to a habit is hard to forget.But also remember that this is wrong.Singapore has a tough law . And to break this law, is like stepping into the death world. A death penalty will be charged to those who traffic drugs to Singapore. Stop what you are doing, not only for your family , friends and loved ones but also for yourself. Stop before its too late .
Yours truely,
Aysuhi Rai

Sally Teo ( P6Faith ) said...

Dear Claire,

I would like to tell you the consequences of taking drugs. You might put yourself at risk under the influence of drugs. You might also not be able to keep up with your homework and concentrate in class and your study will also be affected. SOme drugs can lead you to become more violent too, so, do not take drugs even when you are stressed! You can listen to music especially k-pop ( SHINee/SNSD ) when you are stressed!

Yours faithfully,

Claire Lee said...

Dear Sally,
I've heard that you are thinking of taking drugs. Please do not do so as the consequences are very harsh. If you are charged with trafficking drugs in certain amounts, you will be charged with death penalty. If you are found guilty of consuming illegal drugs or if you are just found with them, you will face fines, a stint in rehabilitation centre and jail time. It is also compulsory for a drug abuser arrested for the first or secound time to be sent to a rehabilitation centre. Taking drugs can lead you to hallucinations and seeing scary things that are not really there. IO really hope that you will not turn to drugs.

Yours faithfully,

Shermaine said...

Dear Jia Zhen,
How have you been?I would like to advice you not to take drugs as there will be consequences. The consequences for taking drugs are:
-going to jail and caning
-going to rehabilitation centre
I hope you can get over your addition and turn over a new leaf.
Yours faithfully,

Megan Goh said...

Dear Angelina,
I know you have been taking drugs to singapore and these are the consequences of taking drugs:you become hyperactive and bringing drugs to singapore is traffiking. If you are caught, you will be sent to the rehabilitation centre to stop your addict. Not just that, you will also sent to prison.

santhiya said...

Dear Nithya,

I heard that you need some details abot drugs for your school project.Let me start off with the conseqeunces.It will lead those people who are addicted to drug in death penalty.If it is the first time they will be jailed for 2-3 years and 6 strokes.And it only cause danger to your inside body part.not only that, your face would turn pale .I hope that you understand the conseqeunces of it.See again with more details!

Yours faithfully

Anonymous said...

Daer Santhiya,
I am writing to you to about the consequences about trafficking drugs. If you are caught trafficking drugs you will have to face fines and jail. You may also go to the drugs rehabilation centre .Not only that if you are found with these drugs you have to prove that you are not innocent. So be careful when you7 are in airports . You will also get ugly and tar will be in your lungs which is a part that you cannot clean .So be careful .
Yours faithfully

Angelina Mok said...

Dear Hui Ping,
please do not take drugs as it will harm your body and will suffer terrible consequences. You will have to be sent to the rehabilitation centre to get over your addiction,have a death penalty ,pay fines and go to jail. If you are realeased and get caught again you will be sentenced to five or six years of jail and three to six strokes of the cane. If you are caught again,you will be sentenced to an additional seven to thirteen years jail and six to twelve strokes of the cane. So you see it is really horrible if you take drugs, it will not only affect your life but also your health. Think abot your love ones , it is not worth it if you take drugs.
Yours faithfully,
Angelina Mok

Renee Shum said...

Dear Alexy,

I would like to share with you some things I learnt concerning drugs. I still remember you telling me that your father is addicted to drugs. Just to inform you, the consequences of takinjg drugs may carry a death penalty. If someone is found with trafficking drugs, it is his reponsibilities, not the authorities, to prove that he is innocent. If someone is found guilty of consuming illegal drugs and even if he is found with the drugs, he will face a stint in a rehabilitation centre and jail time. If someone is arrested for a third time and beyond, he will be sent to prison for five to seven years and he will recieve three to six strokes of the cane. He may even get the death penalty. i would like to help you and your father. please try to explain to your father.

Yours faithfully,

Meghna dijin said...

Dear Bubble Gum,

I was reading a nwes in thr Little Red Dot and came across a articles that talked about drugs.DSo you know the consequence of taking drugs???Well if you do not know, i will explain to you.
.If you are caught trafficking you could even have a death penealty.
.If you are found consuming drugs you will be fined and ut in the rehabilation centre and in the jail for a period of time.
.If you got caught the third time you willbe sentenced with 5 to7 years in jail and recive 3 to 6 canes of strokes.
Do you that females do not get canning from the jail if they are caught trafficking or smugling drugs?!!!
Yours faithfully,
Meghna dijin

Sharen said...

Dearest Jessie,

I would like to share with you the article I read in the little red dot concerning drugs.Hope this informations will help you to present your speech,regarding Drug Abuse, held in the community centre next week.

A lifetime of being controlled by an addiction could have all started off with drug experimentation with a group of friends, just for the fun of it, without fully appreciating the dangers involved and how easy it is to become controlled by a drug. This article briefly highlights the problem of drug and inhalant abuse in Singapore and the dangers involved with it.

One of the main dangers in drug and inhalant abuse is the high chance for the user to become physically and/or psychologically dependent on the substance to feel good or just to have a sense of normalcy in life. As a person’s mind and body becomes accustomed to the presence of a drug, he or she may experience painful withdrawal symptoms when the effects of the drug begin to wear off. These symptoms can come in the form of fatigue, seizures, cramps and pains, moodiness, tension, chills and sweating, fits, mental confusion, severe panic, paranoia, confusion, hallucination, and numbness. Therefore, once a person is hooked to drugs or inhalants, quitting the addiction becomes difficult and he or she may use all means to get the next fix.

The first step to avoid drug and inhalant abuse is to say “No”, even if it means declining offers from friends to “just try” these substances. Other methods include giving an excuse or simply walking away! Most importantly, remember that it is dangerous to even experiment with the use of drugs and inhalants.

Hope this piece of article will help you to present your speech next week in the community centre. Wish you all the best, Jessie...



Anonymous said...

Dear Brianna,
I just read an article on drugs.this is what I have learnt: in Singapore if you are caught for the first time, you will be jailed for 2-3 years and 6 strokes, you will also be sent to the rehabitation centre.


Anonymous said...

Dear people,
we should not take drug because drug abusers(first or second time) will be sent to the rehabilitation centre.If you got caught the third time you willbe sentenced with 5 to7 years in jail and recive 3 to 6 canes of strokes.

So if you people are taking drugs quit NOW before you are too late ......

Anonymous said...

Dear Mary,

Please do not take drugs as it is dangerous.If you are caught take drugs,you will feel dizzy and you will see stuff that is not really there.

yours faithfully,
Jayshriee p5 charity

Anonymous said...

Dear Helly,
Taking drugs is very bad once you take it there will be consequences awaiting you.Some of the consequences are:
1)Death penalty
2)Years of jail/prison
if someone asks you to take the drug just say "no" no matter what they say. You can call the police if you caught someone taking drugs especially your love ones.

Anonymous said...

Dear Samantha,

How are you?
I am going to tell you about the harmful things on taking drugs.Drugs can affect your body appearances and you might feel sick.Taking drugs can also lead to hallucination so please do not take drugs and be careful.Taking drugs is really bad for your health.

Anonymous said...

Dear Penkey,

Have you ever felt wanting to try drugs?Well,here are the reasons you should'nt try drugs:
- If someone is found guilty of consuming illegal drugs and even if he is found with the drugs, he will face a stint in a rehabilitation centre and jail time.
- death penalty ,pay fines and go to jail.

Yours Sincerely,
Priya Gurung

Anonymous said...

Dear Jonny, Do you know what is the consequence for taking drugs?if you don't know,I will tell you.You will get 3 to 5 stroke.Your body will be harmed by the drugs so I wish that you will not take drugs. Your faithfully ,yu xuan p5 cha

julia said...

Dear Liam,
How are you? There are many people in the globe taking and trafficking drugs.Be careful with who you are with because anyone can have drugs with them. Even in England, where you live. If you consume drugs you will be sent to the rehabilation centre and jail time. If you are caught the 4th or 3rd time you will be sent to jail for a couple of years and be caned. You may even get a death penalty. I reall don't want to leave you. So don't take drugs. See you soon.
Your best friend,

Anonymous said...

Dear Jane,

I would like to share with you the article about the consequences of taking drugs.
Drugs can be very harmful by not only hurting yourself but others too.Drugs also change your way of seeing the world too.I advise you to never take drugs.

Yours sincerely,
Ashley Liew

Anonymous said...

Dear cookie,
I have just read an article on drugs and trafficing it and I want to share it with you, as well as to warn you to never take drugs.

Drugs are harmful. If you are caught tafficing it, you will be sentence to jail for years and will suffer alot in there.

I hope that you will take this in mind.

Yours truely,
Joanna 5 Charity

Anonymous said...

Dear Mandy,
I just want to share with you what I came across recently in an article. It is about the consequences of taking drugs and the actions that might be taken if someone was found taking or even trafficking drugs.
You should NEVER take drugs as it might affect your current appearance and most of your body organs.This will not only affect you but others around you.
The consequences when someone takes or traffick drugs ranges from a stint in he rehabilitation centre to jail time and getting caned.
I advise you to NEVER take drugs if you don't want the consequences to be applied on you. Hope you will take this in mind.
Yours sincerely,
your best friend Ashley Chia.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lauren,
Recently I have read several articles on the Little Red Dot newspaper,regarding the consequences of taking drugs.Let me tell you the consequences of taking drugs.Drugs can lead to depression, suicide, serious health issues and death. It can also lead to physical, emotional and mental disabilities.And if you are caught, you will have to be sent to the rehabilitation centre to get over your addiction,have a death penalty ,pay fines and go to jail. If you are realeased and get caught again you will be sentenced to five or six years of jail and also three to six strokes of the cane. If you are caught again,you will be sentenced to an additional seven to thirteen years jail and six to twelve strokes of the cane.All these are the dire consequences that you will be facing if you take drugs.
Hope you will NEVER EVER take drugs.
Your Best Friend,
Zhi QI-P5 Charity

Jovin said...

Dear Michelle,
I've heard about you taking drugs recently. Taking too much of almost any drug could kill you! Some drugs cause you to imagine things, while some of them causes things to go wrong with your senses. And if you are caught, you will have to be sent to the rehabilitation centre to get over your addiction, have a death penalty, pay fines and go to jail. If you are released and get caught again you will be sentenced to five or six years of jail and also three to six strokes of the cane. If you are caught again,you will be sentenced to an additional seven to thirteen years jail and six to twelve strokes of the cane. As you can see, these are the consequences of taking drugs. in life, there are many choices to be made.
I really hope that you will stop taking drugs. They will only harm your body.
Your best friend,
Jovin Chan ~Primary 5 Charity

Jois Chan said...

Dear April,

I've about you taking drugs recently. Doyou know the consequences of taking those harmful things? It might affect your current appearance and most of your body organs.This will not only affect you but others around you. You might get caned or sent to a rehabilitation centre.
I strongly advise you to stop taking drugs and turn over a new leaf.

Yours Sincerely,
Jois Chan

Belle lee said...

Dear Priya,
How are you.I am fine.Have you ever thought of taking drugs?If you did i am here to tell you the concequences of taking it.When you first take the pill you will get addicted to it and eat non-stop.If you get caught by the police for eating it you will get arrested and sent to jail moreover, you will get 6-12 strokes of canning.This is just a warning about drugs so please do not ever think of eating it.
Your best friend,
Belle Lee

Anonymous said...

Dear Sally,

I am writing to you to tell you more about the consequences of taking drugs.I have seen you taking drugs recently. Drugs are harmful to your body and will make you go wrong wth your senses.If you are caught trafficking,you may be sent to jail,to the rehabilitation centre to get over your addiction,get caned and you will need to pay fines.So,I hope that you will not take drugs anymore.

Your friend,
Shermane Ng,P5 Charity

Rhonda Tan said...

Dear Cheryl,

let me tell you something. Do you know that taking drugs can cause harm to our body. Drus can cause you to imagine things. You would get addited even if you only tried once, so do not touch any drugs.

Your friend,
Rhonda Tan
P5 Charity

Phoebe Li said...

Dear Amanda,
i have heard that you have been taking drugs recently.I am writing to you as I want to tell you about the consequences of drugs.

1)Swallowed or snorted, these drugs hit users with a fast high, making them feel powerful, alert, and energized.

2)Uppers pump up heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure, and they can also cause sweating, shaking, headaches, sleeplessness, and blurred vision.

3)Prolonged use may cause hallucinations and intense paranoia.

P5 Charity

Anonymous said...

Dear Sally,

Just wanted to tell something that I came across while reading the recent Little Red Dot. I got to know the taking or trafficking drugs is serious in Singapore. Not only that, in Singapore a person whom takes drugs would be jailed and fined a high amount. Drugs does only kills but destroy a person's life. Please spread this message around

P5 Charity

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah,
I want to tell you something about the consequence and affects of taking drugs as I heard that you have been taking drugs recently.
Taking drugs will harm your body like hearbeats beating fast.
The consequence is you might be jailed or a fine.
Hope you can stop taking drugs.
Wei Hsuan

Anonymous said...

Dear Yin Qi,
Please do not take drugs as u will feel dizzy and u will see some illusion.

Mizusa P5 Charity

Yoon Shwe Yee said...

Dear Esther,

Have you noticed that you have been thinner and paler than usual? Did you know that it is because of you taking drugs? Just the other day,I was reading Little Red Dot and found out that cosequences are extremely severe for people taking drugs.
I understand your need to be 'cool',but would you harm your body to do that? Would you want to land up in jail or get fined for that?
Hope you can understand and stop taking drugs.

Your best friend,
Shwe Yee

Anonymous said...

Dear Annie,
I just read a newspaper article which talks about the effects og taking drugs.

A drug may be helpful or harmful. The effects of drugs can vary depending upon the kind of drug taken, how much is taken, how often it is used, how quickly it gets to the brain, and what other drugs, food, or substances are taken at the same time. Effects can also vary based on the differences in body size, shape, and chemistry.

Although substances can feel good at first, they can ultimately do a lot of harm to the body and brain. Drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, taking illegal drugs, and sniffing glue can all cause serious damage to the human body. Some drugs severely impair a person's ability to make healthy choices and decisions.



Chia Xin Tian said...

Dear Jois,
I am telling you about the consequences for taking drugs. Firstly, you would end up in jail. Secondly, it will harm your body. Lastly, you might get fined for a few thousand dollars. You might feel free after taking drugs. But after that, you would feel dizzy and see illusions.

Yours Sincerely,
Xin Tian

Carmen said...

Dear Chi Chi,
Yesterday, I was reading LRD and found out the consequences of taking drugs. I am going to tell you more about it.Most impotantly, it will harm your body. Then, you will also end up in jail for a long period of time. You will also get addicted to it. So, remember not to ever start taking drugs, even if it is just one.

Yours Sincerely,

Anonymous said...

Dear Carmen,

I am telling you about the consequences for taking drugs since you started to take drugs last week.Drugs would harm you.Drugs would sent you to jail.Drug could fine you with 1 dollar no that of cause not right it can fine you with hundred thousand of dollars.So I beg you to stop taking drugs...

Your best friend
P.S:Don't come looking for me if you don't have enough $$ to pay the fines.

Anonymous said...

Dear Neha,
How have you been? Hope you are fine and doing well. Recently, I got to know that you were caught trafficking for drugs. Do you know that it is an offence to take drugs? I hope that you never repeat the same mistake again.

Indra Basak

Shantelle Lim said...

Dear May,

we should not take drugs as they are harmful to our body.The consequences include fines,caning and even death penalty.

Best Regards,
Shantelle Lim
P5 Charity

Joanna said...

Dear Cookie,
I have read an article on drugs and trafficing it. Taking drugs and the concequences of it is really horrible. I do not want to see you end up in this state,please head my advice.

Drugs will make you go 'crazy' and you mauy go to jail for years. You will be tortured badly in jail.

Joanna 5 Charity

aaronchua said...

Very interesting idea on getting students to share their thoughts. Great stuff!

Henry Park

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is a great way to learn. It's interesting & innovative.~ Shikin

Anonymous said...

I think this is a excellent platform for the children to express their thoughts and comments.

Anonymous said...

I love the way pupils are allowed to interact and connect via this blog.

En You(P6 Joy) said...

You are way too young to take drugs,it harm your body.

Nurfatima (6 joy) said...

Dear Karen,

i want to tell you about the consequences of taking drugs and the legal actions that might be against the person who's caught taking drugs.
the person who takes drugs would be cane and fined and maybe even more severe actions would be taken.
the person woulod have to go to rehab,rehab is a place were people would stay in a jail cell with no one with you.

Yours faithfully,

Nabilah Nasir (P6 Joy) said...

Dear Afiqah,

I am writing to you to tell you about the consequences of taking drugs.When taking drugs, some drugs might change on the way people feel or see the world. Take the drug Ketamine for example.Some drugs addicts take it expecting a pleasant sensation like floating or being detached from one's body.
Some drug addicts persuade people to take drugs because they think they will look 'cooler' if they take drugs.

Hoping you would not take drugs. It will ruin your life.

Yours faithfully,

Nur Afiqah (6 Joy) said...

Dear Nabilah,
i think you should not take drugs because it's illegal and can harm you.Do not take drugs because it can mess with your mind!

Yours faithfully,
Nur Afiqah

Loke Jia Hui(P6 Joy) said...

Dear Nabilah,
I agree you to take drugs because when you are not feeling well I think even the doctors will give you a few bottle of drugs but I think you should know what type of drugs.

Charmaine Goo(6 Faith) said...

Dear Jennifer,
Hello! Recently, I have come to know that you were suspected of drug trafficking. I am very dissapointed with you. You know what the consequences are right? If you don't, I am going to tell you now.
The consequences are:
- death penalty for trafficking drugs like heroin and others.
-If you are found guilty for consuming or even found with them, you will face fines, a stint in a rehabilitation centre and jail time.
- Drug abusers(first or second time) will be sent to the rehabilitation centre.
- If you are arrested for a third time and beyond, you will be sent to prison for five to six years and recieve three to six strokes of the cane.
- If you serve out this sentence BUT is caught yet again,You will be sentenced to an additional seven to thirteen years jail and six to twelve strokes of the cane.
I hope you will plead guilty soon as it will shorten your prison time. I also hope that you will learn from your mistakes and turn over a new leaf.
Yours faithfully,
Charmaine Goo

Lau Tse Xuan (6 Faith) said...

Dear Seserina,
I am writing to tell you about the consequences of taking drugs and ilegal actions.It provides death penalty for trafficking drugs like:heroine,methamphetamine.If someone ids found guilty,he will face fines,a stint in a rehabilitation centre and jail time.I f the same person is arrested for the third time,he will be sent to prison for 5-6 years and receive three to six strokes of cane.If he does it again he will be sentence an additional 7-13 years and 6-12 strokes.
I hope you will not take drugs.

Yours faithfully,
Tse Xuan

Renee Shum [P6 Faith] said...

Dear Alexy,

I would like to share with you some things I learnt concerning drugs. I still remember you telling me that your father is addicted to drugs. Just to inform you, the consequences of takinjg drugs may carry a death penalty. If someone is found with trafficking drugs, it is his reponsibilities, not the authorities, to prove that he is innocent. If someone is found guilty of consuming illegal drugs and even if he is found with the drugs, he will face a stint in a rehabilitation centre and jail time. If someone is arrested for a third time and beyond, he will be sent to prison for five to seven years and he will recieve three to six strokes of the cane. He may even get the death penalty. i would like to help you and your father. please try to explain to your father.

Yours faithfully,

Ayushi(P6 Faith) said...

Ayushi said...
Dear Aneie,
I am your friend,Ayushi.Several articles,on the newpapers,have stated the consequences and effects of taking drugs.So, Today, as a budddy,I want to give you the motivation and determination to give up taking drugs.I do know that something that has turned to a habit is hard to forget.But also remember that this is wrong.Singapore has a tough law . And to break this law, is like stepping into the death world. A death penalty will be charged to those who traffic drugs to Singapore. Stop what you are doing, not only for your family , friends and loved ones but also for yourself. Stop before its too late .
Yours truely,
Ayushi Rai

Alexy hackmann(P6Faith) said...

Dear Renee,
I am writing to you to inform you about the consequences of taking drugs. Taking drugs will make you look tired, it will affect your health and mess with your mind. If you are caught taking drugs you will may face a stint in a rehabilitation centre, jail and caning. So please do not take drugs no matter how tempted you are.

Yours faithfully,
Alexy Hackmann

Sally ( P6 Faith ) said...

Dear Claire,

I would like to tell you the consequences of taking drugs. You might put yourself at risk under the influence of drugs. You might also not be able to keep up with your homework and concentrate in class and your study will also be affected. Some drugs can lead you to become more violent too, so, do not take drugs even when you are stressed! You can listen to music especially k-pop ( SHINee/SNSD ) when you are stressed!

Yours faithfully,

EstherCheong(P6 Faith) said...

Dear Amber,
I heard that you have been taking drugs. Please stop taking them as the consequences of taking drugs are very harsh. If you are found trafficking drugs in certain amounts, you will be charged with a death penalty. If you are found guilty of consuming illegal drugs or you are just found with them, you would have to face fines, a stint in rehabilitation centre and jail time. It is also compulsory for a drug abuser arrested for the first time or second time to be sent to a drug rehabilitation centre. If you are caught continuously, the consequence will become harsher and harsher. So please, take my advice in quit taking drugs. They will make your life miserable and ruined

Yours faithfully,
Esther Cheong

Sharen ( 6 Faith ) said...

Dearest Jessie,

I would like to share with you the article I read in the little red dot concerning drugs.Hope this informations will help you to present your speech,regarding Drug Abuse, held in the community centre next week.

A lifetime of being controlled by an addiction could have all started off with drug experimentation with a group of friends, just for the fun of it, without fully appreciating the dangers involved and how easy it is to become controlled by a drug. This article briefly highlights the problem of drug and inhalant abuse in Singapore and the dangers involved with it.

One of the main dangers in drug and inhalant abuse is the high chance for the user to become physically and/or psychologically dependent on the substance to feel good or just to have a sense of normalcy in life. As a person’s mind and body becomes accustomed to the presence of a drug, he or she may experience painful withdrawal symptoms when the effects of the drug begin to wear off. These symptoms can come in the form of fatigue, seizures, cramps and pains, moodiness, tension, chills and sweating, fits, mental confusion, severe panic, paranoia, confusion, hallucination, and numbness. Therefore, once a person is hooked to drugs or inhalants, quitting the addiction becomes difficult and he or she may use all means to get the next fix.

The first step to avoid drug and inhalant abuse is to say “No”, even if it means declining offers from friends to “just try” these substances. Other methods include giving an excuse or simply walking away! Most importantly, remember that it is dangerous to even experiment with the use of drugs and inhalants.

Hope this piece of article will help you to present your speech next week in the community centre. Wish you all the best, Jessie...



Brittany Sim 6 Faith said...

Dear Roxy,
Hello! I am writing to you about your recent drug addiction. How do I know? Well, I saw you taking some pills.Y've also been looking unwell.
Don't you know that taking drugs will affect your physical appearence and harm your body organs. It contains TAR!!! Why would you want to eat tar?
And you will be sent to jail or rehab or even be fined or get a dearth penalty if you get caught!

Anyway, I hope you get over your drug addiction.

Yours faithfully,

Shermaine (6 faith) said...

Dear Jia Zhen,
How have you been?I would like to advice you not to take drugs as there will be consequences. The consequences for taking drugs are:
-going to jail and caning
-going to rehabilitation centre
I hope you can get over your addition and turn over a new leaf.
Yours faithfully,

Sally(P6Faith) said...

Dear Claire,

I would like to tell you the consequences of taking drugs. You might put yourself at risk under the influence of drugs. You might also not be able to keep up with your homework and concentrate in class and your study will also be affected. SOme drugs can lead you to become more violent too, so, do not take drugs even when you are stressed! You can listen to music especially k-pop ( SHINee/SNSD ) when you are stressed!

Yours faithfully,