Friday, January 25, 2013

Uniform Change (5 Faith and 5 Humility)

LRD Issue: 22 January 2013

Differing views on change of uniforms surfaced as a result of stocks failing to arrive on time for Stamford Primary School which recently changed its uniform design. While schools have the autonomy to decide on the change of design for school uniforms, the Ministry of Education (MOE) said that the decision should be "carefully thought through and the views of the school community and key stakeholders taken into consideration".

Post your comments on one or more of the following questions:
(1) What do you think warrants a change in the design of school uniforms?
(2) When do you think schools should change their uniforms? How frequently should / could this be done? State your reasons.
(3) What are other possible reasons for the negative responses to schools changing uniforms?

One of the points raised in the article is that buying new uniforms could be a huge burden for lower-income families.

Thinking for others...
- Besides providing needy students with uniforms, whether new or otherwise, what else could be done to help them?


Lakshanya (5 Faith) said...

I think what warrrants a change in uniforms is mainly it is old or some may not like the design.

maryam(5 faith) said...

[2]Schools should change uniforms only when it has dual perposes,makes it more comfertable for students or it has to keepup with times.

jusmin(P5Faith) said...

1)they find it plain 2)20 yrs
3)they find the design old and tired

donate books and money to the needy

Qi Xuan(5 Faith) said...

2.I thinks schools should change the school uniforms 25 years a time
thinking about others....
1.we can donate some clothes that are still good for the needys
2.we can donate money and food for the needys
3.we can hold a fun raising program to help the needys

Lakshanya (5 Faith) said...

2)I think schools should change their uniforms next year,and change them once in ten years. This will avoid wasting uniforms this year.

Anne Jolina (5 faith) said...

Question(1)I do not want a change of the uniforms as it is a waste of money.
Question(2) i think it will be better to change after every 100 years.

Narmatha(P5 faith) said...

I think we should change the uniform design becasue it is a old design!I want the uniform to change as a skirt and shirt and the uniform should be changed once in three years

GLADYS(5 FAITH) said...


Li Wei (5 Faith) said...

2)Once in 10 years because we should change the design of the uniform.
3)I rather save the money and buy the things that I like.

Anlin asha(5-faith) said...

years one time the uniforms

Chavonne (5Faith) said...

Q2:i think that schools should change uniforms 15 years 1 time,or-else,the school might not catch up to the generation.

Zeenath Nisha said...


2)About 10 to 15 years

3)It is actualy the wate of mony because i feel that this unifom is ok for me.:P

maryam(5 faith) said...

(1)they have to only change when the design is too old .

Shreya (5 faith) said...

I think we should change our uniform because we can use it for about 5 years it can be old , dirty and to tight so we have to buy a new uniform. It is lucky that we use the old uniform as we save money but we do not use for only one year , our mother use the money for my uniform as she also need to buy my books, bags,pen and other needs. THANK U

Sheryl(5 Faith) said...

1) Make it suitable for some weathers and comfortable to wearon this weather.

2) Whenever the weather change./So that everybody can wear different uniforms that is suitable for the weather.

3) Waste of money.

Nor Missyazrika (5 Faith) said...

2.The uniform should be change when there is many complaints from the parent about he uniform. The uniform should be change every 50 years before we change the following tradition. It could be done by deciding it earlier and by telling the people who does it earlier so they would delay the orders.

Si Qi (p5 faith) said...

2.I think the school uniform should be change every 10 years because you can save more money.

1)Waste of money
2)The money that is use to buy uniform can be use to buy other things.
3)Waste of energy

Qi Xuan(5 Faith) said...

3.they are old deisigns
1.i think there is aneed to change only if the school agree and the parents agree

Melissa (P5 Faith) said...

Question 3:
1)Waste Of Money
2)Waste Of Resorces
3)The old school uniform looks the same as the new ones.

Rebecca (5 Faith) said...

1) I think schools should change the design of the school uniforms.
2) I think schools should change their uniforms when students get bored of the design. Schools also should change the uniform design when students feel uncomfortable wearing the school uniform.
3) The possible negative responses could be that the parents do not want to waste money to buy new school uniforms. Another reason is that it wastes resources.

Thinking for others...
We could donate money and textbooks which are not in use anymore.

Mahalakshmi(5 faith) said...

(2)Twice every fifteen years.
(3)It will be hard for low-income familys as they need to save money for books.
We could do fundraising for low-income familys.

Nagalakshmi (5 Faith) said...

(2)when it becomes old and need to be changed once in Ten years.
(3)its a waste of money and resources.
Donate books.

Jeslynn (5 Faith) said...

(2)No.It should be once every ten years.Because we still have one and a half year left so we should save money.

Alaina (5 Faith) said...

1)No,I would not want a change in the uniforms because I do not want to waste the money by buying another uniform.

2)Every 5 years,it is because I could reuse it for the next year

3)The parents would complain to the school for changing the uniforms becaus ethey could not afford to buy it.

Laya(5 Faith) said...

1.I think its waste of money.

2.Every 20 years because it does not have any designs
3.They should not change the school uniform because it is a waste of money

donate them books and shoes that can still be worn.

stroma( 5 FAITH) said...

(1)make it more comfortable

(2)NEVER the school uniforms come with historys from the past/ low-income families cannot afford it.


Izzan Kwa (5FA) said...

2)The school should change their uniform next year. I think every 10 years the school should change the uniform as every generation will have different types of new designs and the current design of the school uniform is quite old already.
3)Parents will think it is a waste of money as maybe some students have elder siblings that also studied in the same school as them and the elder siblings's uniform is still wearable for the child so they do not need to buy new uniforms.

thinking for others:
-We can provide them with free tansport.

Rebecca (5 Faith) said...

2) I also forgot to include that we should change school uniforms evry sixteen years.

Gladys(5 Faith) said...

Q1 i think they shold change the school uniform 30 yrs later so that our new generations can see our old school uniform.

Izzan Kwa (5FA) said...

2)The school should change their uniform next year. I think every 10 years the school should change the uniform as every generation will have different types of new designs and the current design of the school uniform is quite old already.
3)Parents will think it is a waste of money as maybe some students have elder siblings that also studied in the same school as them and the elder siblings's uniform is still wearable for the child so they do not need to buy new uniforms.

thinking for others:
-We can provide them with free tansport.

kee hoi ming (5faith) said...

2)the school should change the uniform the uniform next year. i think every 8 years cause if every year change, we will waste alot of money.
3)parents will think it is a waste of money

Zeenath Nisha(5-faith) said...

2)About 10 to 15 years

3)It is actualy the wate of mony because i feel that this disine is ok for me.:P

Nor Missyazrika (5 Faith) said...

3. The lower income family might not afford to buy the new uniforms they might as well use their money for emergeny or other things that is more important.

Celeste (5 faith) said...

1)i think we shoul not change our school unifomrs because it is a hassle andit is a waste of money.

2)schools should change their school uniforms every 15 years.

3)students think it is a hassel,waste of money,part of school's identityandfiancial burden.

thinking for others...

we can donate ourschool textbooks which are sill in good condition

Lee Zhi Yi (5 Faith) said...

2.I think that the schools uniform should change every 20 years.It is becuase you will get tired of the design and want something new.

3.The low-income family will have financial burden and hassel.Some people wanted to keep the tradition.It is the part of the school identity,it is also a waste of money and a waste of energy too.

1.I do not want a change of uniform.It is a waste of money.If it is very uncomfortable when you wear,i think there is a need to change the uniform

Melissa (P5 Faith) said...

Question 1:
I think we should not change our school uniform as it is a waste of money.
Question 2:
We should change our school uniform every 10 to 20 years because we should not waste money just to buy school uniforms.

Melissa (P5 Faith) said...

Thinking Of Others....
-Donate some storybooks.
-Donate some wearable clothes.
-Donate some soft toys

Gladys(5 Faith) said...

Q2:i think school should change their uniform when it is should be changed every 20 yrs.

Gladys(5 Faith) said...

People don't like when their children is still in the school and they need to change their uniform. They need to discard the old one even though it can still be worn. Especially for those left with one 1 or 2 years in the school.

Nor Missyazrika (5 Faith) said...

3. Some of the low-income family could not afford to buy a new uniform whereas the old uniform can still be worn.
Even those who are rich also would not like that sometimes because there will be no stalk and they have to collect the uniform later.

Nor Missyazrika (5 Faith) said...

I think we need to change the uniform because it is very hard to wear and we need to buy at least 5 shirts and 3 blouse. It is also expensive unlike if we have a dual-use outfit and just wear a skirt that have shorts inside it.So we do not need to buy so many things.Especially the low-income family.

Nor Missyazrika (5 Faith) said...

They could provide the needy student a school bag.

Anlin Asha(primary 5faith) said...

I think it is not good to change uniforms as it is a waste and it is not useful.Instead of doing that they could give free school bags that are not wasted and the needy can use it.
uniforms can be changed six times a year when primary six leave the school and new primary ones join the school.

maryam(5 faith) said...

most people think it i a burden for low income families. for wasting such money on uniforms they can use it on stationary items

maryam(5 faith)m said...

they can provide free shoes,transport,food,books,school bags etc.

Nurul(5Faith) said...

1) I do not want to change our uniforms into new uniform as it is a waste of a money.

2)Once in 10-15 years because we should not waste our money on uniforms.

Yu Xin ( 5 Humility ) said...

(2)I think the school should change their school uniforms every 10 years because we could save more money.

Kristen chan(5 Hum) said...

2)I think schools should change the uniforms after 30 years.

3)It might be because the student's parents did not want to waste their hard earned money.

Marjan(5 Humility) said...

(2)I think they should change their uniforms when they become old and dirty.

Eve (5 Humility) said...

(1)I think the uniforms were old and uncomfortable and some people might think it is time to change uniform.

Vanessa (5 Humlity) said...

1)I think they wanted the uniform to change because that uniform is to old and not comfortable to wear. I think our school also need to change the uniform even mordern.

Athena Han(P5 Humility) said...

(1) School should change their uniforms if it means more comfort for students and should not be pricey or hurt the school identity.(2) This should be done on 20 or 30 years.
(3) The negative response could be waste of money and resources.

Kessie (5 Humility) said...

(2)I think the uniform should be change every 5 year because they can save more money.
(3)Waste of money

Gayathri Devi (5 humility) said...

(2) It should be changed because of the disigns which the students do not like and we prefer shirt and skirt so that ist is long and comfortable for the pupils in CCPS.
And of course we need the coloured to be changed.

Subatra (5 humlity) said...

2) once in every 15 years ,it is not really necessary because it is a waste of money,material & effort

Neshana (5 Humility) said...

(2)I think they should change their uniforms every 10 years because we should not waste our parents money

jia xin(5 humility) said...

(2)once in every 10 years because we should not waste money on uniforms

(3) the waste of money,resoures and energy

noorul mushahida[5humility] said...

[2]i think they should cange their uniforms every 6 years beacause do not need to waste money.

Jade(5 humility) said...

(1)i think they should not change because they might not like the texture,the colour,not comfortable and the primary 6 girls have been wearing the old uniform for 6 years.So,wearing a new design and colour of the uniform,we'll not be comfortable for the studentsas the weather is hot as well.
(2)I think every 6-10 years
(3)Maybe the parents were ex-students of Stamford primary,don't like the old uniform as they wore it for a longer time and would disagree with the change of uniform.

Yeo ZhenZhen (5Hum) said...

1)The school should not always change the design of the uniform as the parents will have to always pay for the uniform
2)They cant always change the uniform.i suggest the school to change the uniform every 20years so that the parents dont need to always pay for the uniform changes.
They provide needy students with textbooks,uniform and breakfast coupon.

LAREEFAH (5 HUM) said...

(2)I think schools should change their uniforms when they are old.Schools should change their uniforms from 5 to 10 years.

(3)The increse of cost while other parents who dont have much money are wasting their money to buy school clothes.

Sophia (5 humility) said...

(1)singapore is a really warm the countery and if people wear such thick clothes,they will swaet a lot

Erin Nicole Lavinia(5 humility) said...

I think they should change after30 years to save money.

Samantha Wong(P5 Humility) said...

2)i think it is very old and wore for a long time it should be change in three years a time.

3)i think other response are the parent don't want to waste their money and you still have one uniform

Thinking for others:
they can provide them coupons for food,stationary,textbook and subsidy the school fees and school shoes for the needy students.

s.niveda [5 humility] said...

2] i think it is very old and wore for a long time it should be change in three years a time

3]its waste money and resources to buy new uniforms

4] they can provide coupons stationary and school fees .

Angeline [5 humility] said...

They should change their uniform every 10 years so that they can save more money.

jusmin 08 said...

they should change their uniform every 20 years

IntanN(6c=Cha) said...

Sometimes there are also negative things in wearing a school unfirorm. I personally think that sometimes, the way we express ourself is different. We have to express ourself differently when were in a uniform because manny people express through their clothing if they dont like to speak out.
Secondly, its about the cost. If we have to buy uniforms, it will be a waste of money!

If you wear uniforms, the teachers cant differentiate youuu!

Christine said...

it is very fair to the poor people.

Han Ting said...

1. I think i do not agree changing uniforms, because we will waste our money, resourses and energy. If the school really want to change, i hope they will change in a shirt and a skirt and a shorts, because it makes it more comfortable in our hot weather. I think it should be change 20 years at a time.
2. I think it is not good for the low-income family. because they need the money for a better purposes. We should not waste our money any way we want.

ruth said...

maybe we should change our uniform many many years later. as for the low-income people might have the money to buy the uniform.

Anonymous said...

changing uniform is bad because it is not fair people because for some parentthe uniform will be out of stock when their child will wear the old uniform and it will not be fair for their children

noorul 4fa said...

maybe we shold change our uniform many years later .As for low-income peoplemight have no money