(Based on LRD 24/2)
After reading the article on chocolate together from page 6 of this week's LRD, we found out that chocolates and chocolate products now cost more than they did last year. For example, a 1kg chocolate cake at Keng Seng Confectionery costs $3 more than it did last year. The cause for this price hike is low supplies from the Ivory Coast and Ghana, which are places in Africa.
We also discovered that a lot of chocolates were bought for Valentine's Day. In total, for 2008, 35.4 million kg of chocolate were imported into Singapore.
Which is better, to have a little of the best chocolate, or to have lots of not so good chocolate?
When asked if it was better to have a little of the best chocolate, or to have lots of not so good chocolate, 29 out of 40 of us thought that it was better to have a little of the best chcolate. As Jiexin says, "If we buy one bar of good chocolate, we can at least taste that it's nice and good. You will be satisfied easily so you don't need to buy so many chocolate bars to satisfy yourself, rather than buying a lot of not so good chocolate which will cost a lot of money."
What do you and your classmates think? Is it different from our class?
Done by 4 Joy