Wednesday, May 26, 2010

6 Charity - In memory of Dr Goh Keng Swee (6 October 1918-14 May 2010)

The dearly missed ex-Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore not only went on to become one of modern Singapore’s pioneers, but also served terms as the Minister for the Finance, Defence, and Education ministries. In short, it is safe to say that everything we now see around us was due to his sheer brilliance, practicality, foresight and vision for the modern Singapore he aspired to create.

He was usually called in by the Minister Mentor, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, to solve many of the problems that Parliament faced, thus acquiring the nick-name “Mr Fix It”. Among the many things we are grateful to him for are: JTC, MAS, The Singapore Bird Park, The Underwater World and many more. Let us remember him and keep his legacy alive!
Do share your thoughts with us.

The Plight of Foreign Workers in Singapore

The article "It's a Raid - and Men, Rats, Roaches Scurry About" published in the Straits Times on 18th May 2010 was an eye opener, as it showed us what it is like in the dormitories of some foreign workers in Singapore. Although they are not Singaporeans, the locals owe a lot to these foreign workers who have contributed to the modernisation of Singapore. With most of thenm working in the construction field, they are partly responsible for the new buildings which are erected in Singapore. Some of them are also responsible for the clean and green environment that we experience in our neighbourhoods. Thus, it only fair that we reciprocate kindness with kindness by providing them with bigger lodgings and proper washing facilities. After all, we all belong to the human race and we should treat one another with respect.

P6 Humility

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Homeless in Singapore

We read the article on LRD's P4 in class today. The aricle was entitled 'Homeless' Couple in the Spotlight.

This is what it was about:
- A short documentary on homeless Singaporeans was shown by Arabic TV news network, Al Jazeera
- The two-minute clip featured a couple allegedly forced onto the streets by government bureaucracy
- Dr Vivian Balakrishnan (Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports) questioned the accuracy of the report, saying the couple had not been left in the lurch by government agencies
- He said that the man had made about $220 000 from the sale of three HDB flats, and the woman is still the co-owner of an HDB flat with her former husband,
- The couple had been offered a place at a shelter, but they turned it down. The shelter would not let the couple live together too, as they are not legally married.
- MCYS said the couple continue to receive financial and social assistance from various outfits, for example the South West CDC.

To find out more:
Full Report: "Homeless" Couple still in TOC's website spotlight

Al Jazeera responds to Vivian Balakrishnan's accusations

Think about this and leave your comments:
If people want to live on the streets, should they be allowed to?

Leave a tribute to Dr. Goh Keng Swee

Dr. Goh Keng Swee will be remembered as Singapore's architect, a man who left big footprints in many areas of Singaporean life as we know it. Many institutions and ministries owe a great debt of gratitude to his insight, foresight and wisdom.

What would you like to say as a tribute to his memory and life work? Leave a comment below!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Favourite Television Programme (6 Joy)

This week's Little Red Dot featured an article that traced the evolution of Singapore's television programmes from 40 years ago to the present. Let's see what some of 6 Joy's favourite TV programmes are!

My favourite programme is Wheel of Fortune. It is very interesting because I find it very challenging to predict the answers. I also get to learn some new words in the process. Some of the contestants are so lucky - they win lots of money as well as trips to exotic destinations! I hope to participate in Wheel of Fortune one day and win myself some prizes!

Samayal Samayal is a Tamil cooking show. I love to cook so I get lots of ideas for new recipes from the show. I then cook the dishes for my family!

My favourite program is Deadly 60. It is shown every Monday at 8.30pm on the okto channel. I like it because it features animals that are not found in Singapore. I find the information quite useful for Science and it is fascinating to watch them catch sharks and crocodiles. The most amazing scene in the show was one where they showed a giant alligator turtle stuck in a fishing net! I really want to see the turtle in real life. There are other programmes that I like to watch. They are mostly about Science as I love Science.

Whoa... Fierce.