Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Man behind the Pledge (page 14)

5 October 2010
(4 Humility)

Mr S. Rajaratnam was a "pillar of strength" during the founding years of Singapore. His determination and hard work in building our nation made him one of our important leaders. Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew spoke fondly of him, "His fighting spirit never flagged... When everything looked bleak and we were in the depths of despair, Raju roared like a lion."

His hope for "a peaceful society held together by mutual respect" was reflected in one of the many legacies left behind by him - Singapore's National Pledge. It was penned by Mr Rajaratnam "shortly after Singapore gained independence in 1965" (page 14).

Take some time to reflect on the following:
(1) What does the National Pledge mean?
(2) Which aspect of the National Pledge is especially meaningful to me? (State reason/s.)