Thursday, September 2, 2010

Early Puberty (Issue: 31 August 2010)

Early Puberty (Little Red Dot issue on 31 August 2010)
Done by: 4 Humility

Being one of the developed countries, there is a trend in Singapore where more girls are reaching puberty at a younger age. This increase has been observed over the past decade. While most girls “reach puberty at the age of 10 or 11”, “more girls here are growing breasts and/or pubic hair at age seven” (page 4). The early onset of puberty may bring with it a set of problems e.g. growing up shorter and the possibility of a higher risk of breast cancer. Reaching puberty at an earlier age may also have an emotional impact on the girls as they are “too young to deal with the surge of hormones they experience at that stage of life, and could turn aggressive” (page 4).

Some questions to think about:
(1) What are your concerns about reaching puberty at a younger age?
(2) What are some questions you have about reaching puberty?
(3) What do you think is more difficult - being an early developer, or reaching puberty later than everyone else in your class? Why do you think that?


Amanda Chan, 4 Humility said...

1) My concerns are being shorter as it would not be easy to play basket ball and other people/pupils will laugh, annoy and tease you for being so short.
2) I have no questions about reaching puberty.
3) I think that being an early developer is more difficult because you will feel like your the odd one out and maybe will face emotional problems. I think so because if you reach puberty later then your classmates you can be able to ask them what it is like and if they can help you.

claire said...

why does this only happen to some people only??

Lim Hui Yi said...

My concerns about reaching puberty is that I am scared.I would have question about why I would have puberty at a younger age.I think that reaching puberty earlier is better than having it last in the class.It made me feel bad that I had been the last one to have puberty.

Lim Hui Yi

Lim Hui Yi said...

My concerns about reaching puberty is that I am scared.I would have question about why I would have puberty at a younger age.I think that reaching puberty earlier is better than having it last in the class.It made me feel bad that I had been the last one to have puberty.

Lim Hui Yi

hui ping said...

Hi Miss Teo I concerns that if I got early puberty I will not like it as it will have a higher risk of breast cancer.My question is that why we have a higher risk of breast cancer if we have early puberty ?I think it is more difficult to have later puberty as we a have early puberty we will have risk of breast cancer.

Rachel Wang said...

Q: What are your concerns about reaching puberty at a younger age?
A: Hmm...I think that it will be hard to have it after everyone has puberty.

Q:What are some questions you have about reaching puberty?
A:What if I reach puberty after the normal age?

Q:What do you think is more difficult - being an early developer, or reaching puberty later than everyone else in your class? Why do you think that?
A:Reaching puberty later than everyone in the class. I will fell left out :D

Rachel Wang (36)

Charlene Lim said...

(1)I think it will be harder if we reached puberty at later.

(2)What will happen if will reach puberty at a yonger age?(will there be any risk)

(3)I think having puperty at a later age will be mare difficult because It will be so odd.

Renee said...

1) My concerns are that I may be the only one among all my friends which do not have puberty so young or early.
2)I do not have any questions regarding puberty.
3)I think that having puberty later is more difficult as everyone else in the class would have puberty early and I would be the only one left . I too would feel left out as all my friends have puberty early then me.

Renee shum

Charmaine Goo Wey said...

1) My concerns of having puberty earlier is facing extra emotional problems. And, I have a concern about pimples and acne as I concern of my image.
2)My questions are: Why when women reach puberty, They will grow taller day by day? Why do we grow acne and pimples when period of puberty is around the corner?
3) I think that reaching puberty at a later timing will be better so that it will not affect my study time and I can ask my friend who has puberty.( I am already in my puberty timing.)

Charmaine Goo Wey(10)
4 Humility

Shermaine said...

I think being an elderly developer is more difficult.

Lau Tse Xuan said...

What are your concerns about reaching puberty at a younger age?

My concerns are being shorter than my classmates.

What are some questions you have about reaching puberty?

Why does this happen to some people only?

What do you think is more difficult - being an early developer, or reaching puberty later than everyone else in your class? Why do you think that?

I think being an later developer would be better because if we have puberty earlier we will not grow anymore.

J Poorvaja said...

I have the same question as Claire ,why only som people has puberty?

J Poorvaja(12)

Charmaine said...

(1) My concerns are I may be the only girl among all my friends.I may be shy to share it...

(2) What if I reach puberty after everyone has?

(3)I think having an early puberty is better. i can tell others about it. i can also groww earlier than the others...

Sorry for the late reply, Miss Teo

Charmaine Song(7):D

Ng Jia Qi said...

1. My concern about having early puberty is that you will be shorter than all of your friends.
2. My question is: Why do we have puberty?
3. I think having early is better is better as your friends will not laugh at you.

Germaine said...

What are your concerns about reaching puberty at a younger age: I don't feel like being the odd one out and different from my friends.
What are some questions you have about reaching puberty: Will people who have puberty suffer?
What do you think is more difficult-being early developer, or reaching puberty later than everyone else in your class: I think being an early developer is more difficult
why: Even though you reach puberty later but you will not fell so odd after all u can be as tall as your friends and nobody will laugh at you and call shorty or any other funny names to make fun of you and you can don't suffer so early :)

sharen said...

1)My concerns about reaching puberty earlier is more harder than reaching later than others.
2)I have no questions about reaching puberty.
3)I would like to be a later developer of puberty in class.I would want to have the risk of breast cancer.

Lim Hui Ling said...

1]My concern is being shorter and having emotion problems

2]people will says you have armpid hair means your armpid is very smelly. OR having hairs in your body parts is very uncomfortable.

3]I think being early developer is more difficult as I do not want to be an grown up so fast, and I do not want to be tease by my friends.

Lim Hui Ling(22)
P4 Humility

Krishaa said...

1)My concerns about reaching puberty in a younger age is that acne and pimples will spoil my image, Have a higher risk of getting breast cancer.
2) No questions
3) I think that being an early developer is more difficult as I will be shorter than my peers and will face emotional problems,high risk of breast cancer, acne.

Yours Truly,
P4 humility

nataline,4 humility said...

1.I think that reaching puberty at a younger age maybe a little difficult as you are still young and having at such a young age is actually kind difficult to cope with it.

2.Why is puberty only for women's and why there are such problem if we have puberty?

3. I thing reaching puberty in the middle of the class is better that means some people have it first then me then some people after. We will feel much comfortable.

Jolene lae said...

I will be shorter.
Why do we reached puberty before boys.
I think it is more difficult being an early developer.

Brittany said...

(1) I am afraid of standing out.
(2) Why do we have to go through puberty?
(3) I think being an early developer is worse. You will be different than others.

Chantelle Lee said...

we will be shorter and why do girls reach puberty first. I think it is more difficult being an early developer.

Unknown said...


Megan Goh said...

(1)My concerns is that I don't want to be first to grow up. Imagine, reaching puberty first is the worst thing I ever have!
(2)Why do we need puberty?
(3)I think reaching puberty later is more difficult. Seems to me!

Angelina said...

(1) I think I will not really like it at all! I imagine myself having puberty it is like so ... weird and the worst thing that if you have puberty earlier than your friends you will not be likely to still fit in with others who does not have puberty yet.
(2) Why do we have puberty in the first place? and Why does it hurt so much for some girls?
(3) In my opinion I think being an early developer is more difficult because it will be a little awkard , your friend will thing something is weird going on with you if they do not know about puberty and you might not able to cope on my studies.

Angelina Mok(3)

Ng Yih Der said...

1)My concerns is that I don't want to be the first to grow up because I would not grow when I am at Primary 6 and rest of the people have puberty.Then,they will grow taller than me.
2)I hate puberty because it would be painful to me!
3)I like to have puberty later because it would be better because I like to grow taller and not to suffer early.

Codie said...

1)My concern is that I will be shorter when I grow up next time.
2)I have no questions to ask.
3)Reaching puberty later than everyone else in my class because I con't want to be short and have to suffer earlier.


Anonymous said...

1)My concerns is that i do not what to be first to go through it because once i reach that point i cannot grow taller.
3)i would like to have it later because if i grow pimples and my class who also as it too ,then we will all be the same and i won't be so embarrassed.

ZannYeo said...

1. My concern is that I am scared of early puberty.
2. Must we really have puberty?
3. I think having early puberty is more difficult for me.

vicki said...

Why does it happen to somebody only?

KiMbErLy OnG said...

1)My concerns are having acne,pimples,growing of breasts and having pubic hair.
2)My quetions are:
Why must we go through puberty?
Why is it that we have puberty before boys?Why MUST puberty have to be soooooo painful sometimes?
3)I think that having puberty is more diffiult.If you have puberty erlier than anybody else,your classnates will laugh at you saying,"Haha!You have breast!!!!",or even,"Ewwwwww your armpits are so smelly!".These sentence(s) will either make you embarrased or angry.

Jocelyn (",) said...

1)I think that people will laugh at you just because you look very different from most of them.
3)I think it would be reaching puberty later than everyone else because you are very much different from them. Being an early developer in puberty is better so you will understand more about puberty.