Between May 16 and 17, 2 men, Oliver Fricker and Dane Alexander Lloyd, cut a fence in Changi Depot (the place where they 'park' all the trains at night) and spray-painted graffiti on one of the MRT trains.
However, what was weird about this incident was that SMRT (the people who run the MRT system in Singapore) did not realise what had happened until a teenaged boy, who was part of a trainspotting group--- a group of people whose hobby is to follow trains--- happened to take a video of the train. He had thought that it was an advertisement. When SMRT realised that someone had vandalised the train, they started investigating and caught Oliver Fricker, a well-paid Swiss banker working in Singapore. The other man however, had left the country after vandalising the train.
This incident made the public ask how safe the MRT depots were. Some people said that it would have been very serious if the men had done something more dangerous with the train.
What do you think about this incident? Should SMRT do anything? Should the public do anything to prevent something like this from happening again?
It is amazing and astonishing that
the people who run the mrt system did not notice what happened.
The graffiti is so nice but I think it is embarrassing for them to be caught doing such a thing.
I think that it is good to do that as it very nice but it is angiest the law.
I really admire those people who drew this graffiti. It was really amazing.
It was irresponsible that the security didn't do his job to take care of the MRT.I hope they do not rub it away because its wery nice.But they will rub it away.I think its a must.
I think that the graffiti is nice, but they should not have done it.
Name:Koh Zhi Min
The person who did it may not have known that it is not allowed in Singapore . Anyway , if I was about board the train , I would call the MRT manager and quicklt tell them what had happened . I would not board the train .
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