This week's Little Red Dot showed a very familiar picture of an NS man and his domestic helper carrying his backpack. At the end of the article, the pupils were asked to create imaginary conversations between the NS man and the domestic helper. Below are some samples written by the girls of 5Charity.
NS: Hey, carry my backpack!
DH: No, I can't.
NS: Why? Didn't you have breakfast? I saw you eating two plates of chicken rice.
DH: You are an NS man, not me, so you should be responsible for your bag!
NS: You used to carry my school bag for me when I was young. Why can't you do that now?
DH: Because you are an NS man now! If there is a war, you will have to carry your own backpack. That's why you should practice now!
NS: Help me with my backpack! I am so tired I might faint! (
throws bag at domestic helper)
DH: Gosh, it's so heavy. Carry it yourself!
NS: Why did my parents bother to hire you?
DH: The pay is so little, but I have to do so many things!
NS: So? I also get paid very little as an NS man!
DH: Ah Boy, please carry your own backpack! It is practically half of my size! My shoulder will break if I continue to carry your bag.
NS: You are supposed to help me since you are a domestic HELPER. So stop complaining and stop calling me Ah Boy!
DH: You are supposed to defend the country. How can you do that if you don't even want to carry your own backpack?
NS: Stop nagging or I will complain to my mother!
Mikka & Xuan Xuan
NS: Yaya, don't carry my bag. It's too heavy. Today is my first day of NS. I must get used to carrying my bag.
DH: Just relax and let me carry your bag.
NS: No! I might be spotted by my squad mates and they will tell on me. Do you want me to get into trouble?
DH: No, but...
NS: Ah! During a war you won't be around to help me right? Give me my backpack or I will complain to Nai Nai!
DH: Oh gosh, look at the time! We have to get going!
NS: Oh never mind! I'll just let you carry my bag! I don't have time to argue with you!