Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Helping somone to the point of "helplessness" - Are Singaporean kids spoilt? (page 2 of 14 April 2011's issue) - 5 Faith

In this week's issue of LRD, our class read the article entitled 'Are Singaporean kids spoilt?'

After the recent case of the NS man who got his maid to carry his backpack, people have started asking why some maids are carrying the bags of school children.

Is this causing our next generation to be "softies"? What do you think is appropriate and not appropriate for parents (or maids) to do for their children?


Leela said...

I think the children should be the ones carrying their bags.Parents should not spoil their children by doing things for them.Their children should be responsible enough to do things themselves.

Charlene Lim said...

It is appropriate for maids/parents to carry children's bag when the child is hurt.(Leg)
or when the parent(s) insist on carry our school bag.
It is not appropriate for maids/parents to carry children's bag when the child says she/he is tired.

Amanda Chan, 5 Faith said...

if parents insist on carrying our bags then what can we do? if your back is pain, -like what ms teo has told us- then we have to let our parents carry our bags. (meow)

Lim Hui Ling said...

Yes it make Singaporean 'softies'. I think the parent should let their children carry their bag as when they grow older they can't be independent.

Rachel Wang said...

I think that it is appropriate for the parent to carry their children's bag when the child has pains or cramps. It is inappropriate for the parent to carry their children's bag when they ask them to carry it for them.

Sasha nair said...

Children should learn to carry their own bags as if there is war their maids or parents would not go to war with them. i also think people are pampering their children too much as they are too dependent on their parents and becoming softies.

Samantha Kristiane tan alves said...

Children should learnt to carry their bags as their bag is their own responsible..Their parents should not treat their children to be a spoilt..If the parents continue doing it..when their child grown up, their child would always ask their maids to carry it for them..

Lee Wan Qi, Claire said...

I think that the children should carry their own bags unless their parents insist on helping them carry their bags.

Charmaine Goo said...

No, it is not right. We must be independent to be in top form and to treat our maids well.

santhiya said...

The children should carry their own bag.If they are unwell it does not matter.I saw one girl from my class getting down the car and her father still came with her carrying her bag


victoria lee said...

i think the children should carry their own bags.their parents should not spoil them and besides their old enough to be independent for themselves.

Kelene Chan said...

I think children should be independant and carry thier own bag even though their heavy.

brittany sim 5 faith said...

In these types of cases, the answers may be different.
In some cases, the parents offer to carry their children's bag for them, but in other cases, the chlidren are so spoilt as their parents hire a miad for them, so the chlidren grow up giving their bags to someone else to carry as a habit.

Meghna Dijin said...

meghnadijin p5 faith
I think that most Singaporen children are spoilt just because of their mother nodding for asinging a maid. Maids are mostly for house hold chores and not for treating like a servant so i think if more mothers think of their childs futrue there will be less spolit in Singapore.

Renee Shum ( P5 Faith ) said...

Yes . It is causing the next generation to be softies . I think it is not appropriate for parents or maids to carry their children's bag as when their children grow up , they will always depend on their parents , maids and others and they will not be independent .

Jolene Lae said...

I think students should carry their own bag their parents should not carry their bag unless they are sick or hurt.

Jolene Lae

Sharen said...

Yes. I also think that our next generation are going to be 'softies'.It is appropriate for children to carry their own bags instead of their parents and maids to carry their bags. I also think that it is not appropariate for parents and maids to carry their children's bags if they want their children to be spoilt and not sucessful in life.


Aysuhi said...

i think that it is our responsibility to carry our bags .Depending on our Domestic Helpers all the time ,may cause the child to be a spolit brat

Ayushi rai
P5 Faith

Esther Cheong said...

yes i think that the singaporean kids are spoilt because they either throw thier bags to their maids or mums.I find them very unresponsible for their things.They should take responsibility of their own things.
The picture of the NS man that was posted on stomp got commented and i read one of them that "The man should carry his own bag not give to his maid.Should go carry handbag!!"Anyway i think that the NS man is being make fun by his friends.

Ayushi said...

i think that it is our responsibility to carry our bags .Depending on our Domestic Helpers all the time ,may cause the child to be a spolit brat

Nithya said...

It is not right because you must have a good reason like an injury on your back or something which involves help .

Shermaine said...

I too think children should carry their own bags as they must be responsible for their own things. chindren should not be spoilt.Like what others said, if they are young, maids and parents can help them carry unless they are big enough, they must carry their own bag...

Angelina Mok said...

I think this is not right. We should learn to be independent for our future if our parents pass away. I think children who do not carry their own bags ought to be taught a lesson.

sally teo said...

i think it is appropriate for children to carry their bags by themselves unless their parents insist that they carry the heavy bags.but it is not appropriate if the children is tired then they tell their parents to carry their bags for them. only if they are not well.

Ann Sng ( 5 Faith ) said...

I think that we should carry our own bags unless we are hurt.

Clarissa Tan P5Faith said...

Yes it makes singaporeans very lazy when the younger generation grows old they will never be dependent. Parents should just ask their children to pack their bags and take out unesessary things.Then the parents shhould just let thye children like us to carry our own school bags or else for just a very light bag to carry the chilren would be dependent on their parents to carry it. And if even NS men are asking their maids to carry their backpacks why not the maids go for army instead. if they cant even carry their owm things how are they going to carry their backpacks when they go for war

Anonymous said...

I think the children should carry their own backpacks as it is their own responsibility , unless the parnet insist to or if they're injured... :D

JoCeLyN sEoW said...

I think that students should have a sense of responsibility by carrying their own bag. Since it is their own bag, they should not rely on others to carry it. I think it is inappropriate to ask their parents or maids to carry the bags.

ella said...

children should not make her/his maid/parent to help her/him to carry her/his bag as they should be responsible for their things..