Thursday, August 4, 2011

Phone Scams and personal safety

Today, the P6 level read an article about phone kidnap scams and learnt about some tips on personal safety.

What do you do to be safe?


Anonymous said...

MUST be careful of what you post abt yourself on facebook!!

Huang jia yi said...

i will be careful of what i post on facebook......

Anonymous said...

I hope it will not happen to my family... These people just want $...

~Anne Lee
6 Faith

Anonymous said...

I would translate it to my mother and ask her to be careful! Thank you Miss Wong for this post! ^_^

Anonymous said...

Don't give your personal information to strangers, especially on facebook.

ella fam said...

can p4 comment on this? well,if i were a victim,i would call the police without letting the person know...then the police will help me...not need pay money...

tan qi xuan said...

I will make sure that I am safe with money without robbery stealing my money.

NicoleDave said...

WIll be very scared to lose my phone.Losing your phone is worse than losing your precious puppy.Will also promise not to give personal details to strangers.Anyways, these people just want $$$. :):):)

Meghna Dijin said...

I think it is very dangerous to have a missused phone do not get what i meant okay it is like this
:I once know about this inccident when a man keep on calling me with out no reason an d saying thay i owe him money and he was saying a mans name.Suddenly a man just came a nd looked at the phone and said that you can take it but i did not and i offered it to him back with a smlie .That is what i mean about missused phone.

meghna dijin

Jenice Vinodhini Nelson (6 JOY) said...

i willl be scared if people take away my money from me ! and also taking away my phone !!!